Not your father’s CPAP
We’ve come a long way with this life-saving device. CPAP machines have been steadily improving since the first commercialized CPAP was introduced in the 1980s. The devices have become much smaller, quieter, much more comfortable, and more effective in treating sleep apnea. To see just how far CPAP technology has come, let’s peek back in… Read More
Inspire | CPAP alternative for sleep apnea
Romeo Shoshoo, a Chicago ENT patient, suffered through daily episodes of falling asleep suddenly, even while walking
Study Finds CPAP Can Increase Chance for a Longer Life in Obese Patients
Sleep apnea is more than just snoring and restless sleep. It has been tied to increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, weight gain, impotence, and more. Despite these health complications, many people are reluctant to take steps to treat it. First, denial that they have the disease interferes. And next, they are… Read More
Sleep apnea treatment that doesn’t require CPAP
Frustrated with CPAP? Inspire can help. Inspire is a new sleep apnea treatment that does not require the tubes and breathing apparatus involved in using CPAP. Instead, during a small outpatient procedure, a small device is implanted that then works to open the airway whenever you sleep. You control the device using a remote, turning… Read More