Is your child suffering from ear, nose, and throat problems? It may be time to see a pediatric otolaryngologist.
Chicago ENT’s Director of Pediatric ENT is Dr. Kathryn Colman. She is an experienced, board-certified pediatric otolaryngologist who has practiced at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Kathryn Colman, Director of Pediatric ENT at Chicago ENT

After completing her Harvard University residency, Dr. Colman earned her medical degree from the prestigious University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. She maintains strong ties with academia as a former clinical instructor at Harvard.
An accomplished researcher, Dr. Colman has contributed to notable publications in her field. Honored for her clinical excellence, Dr. Colman is dedicated to providing accessible, patient-centered care.
She offers urgent appointments when needed and takes time to communicate clearly with young patients and their families. With specialized expertise in Pediatric ENT and a commitment to compassionate care, Dr. Colman provides exceptional treatment for the Chicago area’s infants, children, and adolescents.
Chicago ENT offers the following pediatric ENT procedures to children and adolescents suffering from ear, nose, and throat problems:
An adenoidectomy is a procedure that removes the adenoids. The adenoids are glands in the back of the throat and nose that can enlarge.
If they do, they can block your airway and make breathing more challenging, causing ear infections and problems sleeping. During an adenoidectomy, Dr. Colman will put patients under general anesthesia to ensure they are completely asleep.
Then, she will use a tool to remove the adenoids through the mouth without creating an external incision.
Once the adenoidectomy is complete, most children recover quickly. They may have a mild sore throat and congestion.
However, these usually go away after about a week or two. Dr. Colman may recommend your child undergo an adenoidectomy if they have chronic enlarged adenoids that cause breathing issues or lead to frequent ear infections.
Removing the adenoids opens up blocked airways and also prevents fluid from building up in the ears, which can lead to ear infections.
Tongue Tie
A tongue tie refers to the strip of skin under the tongue (called the lingual frenulum) that is too short or too tight. When this happens, it restricts tongue movement.
A tongue tie can make it more difficult for infants to breastfeed. It can also cause issues with speech development and proper tooth alignment.
Treating a tongue tie is done by performing a simple procedure called a frenotomy. A frenotomy is a quick outpatient procedure performed by Dr. Colman.
Dr. Colman will snip the frenulum to free up tongue movement that was previously obstructed. The frenulum procedure is usually performed without needing any anesthesia.
There are very few nerve endings around the bottom of the mouth, making the procedure more comfortable. Once your infant or child has had a frenotomy, their tongue will have full mobility again. Feeding and speech usually improve quite quickly.
A frenotomy is typically recommended for infants or children with a tongue tie causing difficulty with breastfeeding and those showing speech delays or developmental issues. Catching a tongue tie and treating it early with a frenotomy allows for normal development.
Ear Tubes
Ear tubes are tiny tubes placed through the eardrum to allow airflow in and fluid drainage out of the middle ear. Putting in ear tubes helps prevent fluid from building up, which can lead to ear infections and hearing loss.
Putting in ear tubes is a procedure called a myringotomy. Myringotomy is performed under general anesthesia for the most comfort.
Dr. Colman will create a small incision in the eardrum to insert the tube. The tubes usually fall out independently within six to twelve months after the procedure.
Getting ear tubes can help restore hearing loss that’s occurred as a result of chronic fluid buildup. Ear tubes can also prevent recurring ear infections.
If your child has had repeat ear infections or chronic fluid buildup in their ears despite taking antibiotics, they are likely to be good candidates for ear tubes. The procedure is quick, and recovery only takes a few days with mild discomfort.

A tonsillectomy is a procedure that removes the tonsils. The tonsils are two glandular tissues at the back of the throat.
The tonsils can become chronically swollen and infected, making it harder to breathe and swallow. A tonsillectomy uses general anesthesia. Dr. Colman will then surgically remove the tonsils.
After having a tonsillectomy, your child’s throat will be sore for a week or two as the throat heals. Soft foods and pain medication help with recovery and healing.
Dr. Colman may recommend a tonsillectomy if your child frequently experiences throat infections and swelling even after using antibiotics. Your child may also have trouble breathing due to enlarged tonsils or have difficulty breathing from a sleep disorder.
Removing the chronically infected and swollen tonsils will help your child find relief and feel better.
Does your child need to see a pediatric ENT specialist? Learn more by requesting an appointment with Dr. Colman at Chicago ENT at one of our five convenient locations today!