Thyroid Specialist Chicago, IL
Only Chicago ENT offers the expertise and experience of Dr. Michael Friedman, one of the world’s leading thyroid and parathyroid experts and surgeons. Dr. Friedman’s mission is to provide you with the safest, most effective and minimally invasive thyroid and parathyroid surgical options available. That’s why more and more patients and physicians travel to Chicago ENT from across the globe for diagnoses, second opinions, and advanced thyroid disease treatments.
Expert parathyroid surgery
Minimally invasive surgery helps you heal faster: The term ”minimally invasive” means different things to different doctors. According to Dr. Friedman, minimally invasive means more than just making scars less noticeable and camouflaging incisions. It means helping patients heal faster so they can get back to their daily routines sooner.
Commitment to our patients’ safety: You won’t find a team of doctors more dedicated and committed to patient safety. Our advanced nerve-integrity monitoring system that protects the important nerves adjacent to the thyroid and parathyroid gland is just one of the extra safety measures we take to eliminate patient risk.
Unrivaled depth and breadth of experience: Medical communities around the world look to Dr. Friedman as the premier expert in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. He has performed more than 2,000 thyroid and parathyroid surgeries and has authored and published numerous articles and textbooks and has lectured on thyroid and parathyroid surgery around the world. Most recently, he performed one of the first robotic-assisted surgeries in Chicago.
Hyperparathyroidism and its connection to calcium
The parathyroid glands are the main regulators of calcium. Too much or too little calcium can cause significant problems. One of the most common causes of high calcium levels is hyperparathyroidism: an elevated parathyroid hormone level. Click here to find out more about calcium levels in the blood.
If you have more questions on thyroid and parathyroid disorders, please click here for our FAQ.
Thyroid Cancer Stories
The modern technique for the safe and precise removal of thyroid tumors. Check out our videos below!