I did WHAT last night?
Parasomnias can pose a real danger. A teenager is found sleeping in a tower crane 130 feet above the ground, having walked across a narrow metal beam to get there. A man gives his roommate a nightly play-by-play of his dreams as they occur. A sleeping man drives across town, chokes his stepfather and stabs… Read More
Inspire | CPAP alternative for sleep apnea
Romeo Shoshoo, a Chicago ENT patient, suffered through daily episodes of falling asleep suddenly, even while walking
Research leads to new surgical guidelines for parathyroidectomy.
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism occurs more than primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism but it is rare and is seen in patients with renal disease and post kidney transplant. Because it is a rare problem, guidelines for surgical treatment and prognosis have not been well repeated in the past. This study establishes guidelines for parathyroid surgical intervention. In a… Read More
Man vs. Machine
Can an algorithm outperform an experienced physician? The answer might be, “yes,” but with a caveat. Findings from a recent study (Zhang, B, et al.) published in Thyroid suggest that a machine learning algorithm could be superior in specificity and accuracy than an experienced radiologist using ultrasound technology in diagnosing thyroid nodules in patients. Machine… Read More