Will My Allergies Improve If I Undergo Allergy Testing?
You may have an allergy if you’ve experienced an allergic reaction after coming into contact with certain substances or eating some foods. Many factors, including medications, food, and environmental factors, can cause allergies. The first step towards finding relief from your allergies is allergy testing. Keep reading to learn more about allergies, allergy testing, and… Read More
Can a Nasal Endoscopy Help with Allergy Management?
Do you sneeze frequently? Is your nose often stuffy or runny? If so, you may have nasal allergies. When you have allergies, you need an effective solution to return to the activities you love. A nasal endoscopy is an essential diagnostic tool to help your ENT specialist evaluate your nasal and sinus passages. Using a… Read More
Are My Food Allergies Guaranteed to Be Serious?
As with all allergies, how your body’s immune system reacts to future allergic reactions to food is very unpredictable. The symptoms of a food allergy can change throughout your lifetime, decreasing or increasing in severity. Even if you know that you’re allergic to a food, you may not have the same symptoms every time you… Read More
Chronically Runny Nose? Why You May Need Allergy Relief
Do you have a constant case of the sniffles? Is your nose always itchy? You may have allergic rhinitis or allergies. A runny nose, itchiness, congestion, and other uncomfortable symptoms often accompany allergic rhinitis. Keep reading to learn more about allergies, how allergic rhinitis could be responsible for your chronically runny nose, and ways to… Read More
Nip Allergy Symptoms in the Bud with These 8 Tips
Do you suffer from allergies? You’re not alone. Allergies affect millions of Americans and are triggered by various allergens. Allergens cause allergic reactions, and many things can cause allergies, like pollen, mold, dust mites, pet dander, insect venom, medications, and certain foods. Allergies may lead to uncomfortable symptoms, making your life less pleasant or downright… Read More
Are My Food Allergies Guaranteed to Be Severe?
Are you concerned that you may have food allergies? Whether you have food sensitivities or allergies, these differ from person to person. The symptoms of an allergic reaction to food won’t always be the same, and they may worsen over time. Even if two people have the same allergy to a food, that doesn’t mean… Read More
Are My Allergies COVID-19 Symptoms?
The warmer weather in spring comes with allergens. As allergies begin to flare up, it’s essential to know the difference between allergies and COVID-19. While the symptoms of COVID-19 and allergies can appear quite similar and even have several overlapping symptoms, some are rarer than others. It’s not unusual with the ongoing pandemic to feel… Read More
6 Ways To Prepare For Allergy Season
Spring may feel like it’s still far away, but it’s a lot closer than you might think! In fact, before you know it, it will be allergy season once again. With allergies comes sniffling, red, itchy eyes, and general misery. Instead of letting allergy season take you by surprise this year, prepare for it! There… Read More
What that pesky itch may really mean
Fast Facts: Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. with an annual cost in excess of $18 billion. In a U.S. survey, more than half (54.6 percent) of the people reported indicated that they had positive reactions to one or more allergens. Q&A with Dr. Ayesha Siddiqi, Allergist at Chicago… Read More
Immunotherapy for Allergies? It’s a thing.
When you suffer from allergies, the symptoms you experience are the result of your body’s immune system reacting to allergens in the environment. When you breathe in these allergens, your immune system forms antibodies that trigger a chemical response causing symptoms like stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, or itchy eyes. These familiar allergy symptoms are… Read More