Frustrated with CPAP? Inspire can help. Inspire is a new sleep apnea treatment that does not require the tubes and breathing apparatus involved in using CPAP. Instead, during a small outpatient procedure, a small device is implanted that then works to open the airway whenever you sleep. You control the device using a remote, turning it on whenever you sleep and off when you wake up. During sleep, Inspire helps stimulate the natural breathing process. It syncs with your breathing pattern and helps your muscles to keep your airway open.
Sleep disorders are extremely common—20% of adults suffer from chronic sleep disorders and an additional 10% of adults suffer from intermittent sleep disorders—many people do not know they have a problem sleeping. If you or a loved one snore, it’s important to evaluate why you might be snoring to see if there is an underlying condition. If the idea of a CPAP machine has prevented you from seeking treatment, or if you’ve found a CPAP unsuccessful in the past, perhaps Inspire will encourage you to seek diagnosis and treatment.
Sleep apnea is more than just a problem with snoring. It is a problem that can have severe effects on relationships, energy level, and health including weight gain and impotence, to name a few. Undiagnosed, it can even lead to serious health complications like stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack, irregular heartbeat, and more. Denial allows undiagnosed sleep apnea to continue running its course, wearing down a person’s energy and overall health.
While Chicago ENT sleep apnea specialists encourage every patient to try CPAP before considering other forms of therapy, Inspire could be an ideal choice for treating sleep apnea in many patients who have difficulty using a CPAP machine. For many patients, CPAP is uncomfortable and they find they are unable to get used to it. World-renowned sleep specialist Dr. Michael Friedman of Chicago ENT says, “Although CPAP is a miracle cure for some patients, it is intolerable for others. Although patients with severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea will have a high compliance rate, patients with mild apnea are unlikely to accept CPAP as a permanent solution.”
If CPAP does not work for you, Inspire may be a recommended course of treatment. Learn more about how it works.